Bill and Mary’s House

Building Instructions for Bill and Mary’s House

The LEGO Idea Book 6000 was a great inspiration for me as a child. I did not have all the bricks back then and probably not now either. But we can build all the models digitally. This is my first go at creating a model with instructions in You can download the instructions in the PDF format. Happy building!



Step-by-step installation of iText on Windows

This tutorial will help you installing iText on Windows. iText allows you to create PDF files from Java. A new and better tutorial on how to run iText with Eclipse is now available. Continue reading “Step-by-step installation of iText on Windows”


This CD-Rom contains computer animated building instruction for the Miami Beach Patrol Model. The instructions are divided into steps. A movie shows the process and an element list the needed bricks for each step. The user controls the action from a panel. Here are some example QuickTime movies (320×240 pixels), click on the thumbnail pictures to play.

The Car in the wireframe view (click to enlarge)
Front view
Side view
Top view
Animations (click to play)
The steering construction
The steering construction
A wild camera transition
A wild camera transition
Sub component assembly
Sub component assembly
The steering wheel
The steering wheel
The tires
The tires
The driver
The driver
Other interesting pictures (click to enlarge)
Full Rendering
Full Rendering
CD-Rom Interface
CD-Rom Interface