Welcome to the CHI2004 Workshop on Shaping Human-Robot Interaction - Understanding the Social Aspects of Intelligent Robotic Products. The workshop is being organized by Jodi Forlizzi and Christoph Bartneck. The workshop will take place on Sunday April 25th, 2004.The schedule of the workshop is now available.


The workshop was a complete success and we would like to share its results:


Intelligent robotic products have begun to integrate into our daily lives. While robotic technology has achieved a certain amount of maturity, the social impact of these products is largely unknown. Little information is available on how intelligent robotic products need to be designed to fulfill their social role in our society. This workshop focuses on three aspects of human-robot interaction: (1) technical implementation of intelligent robotic products, (2) form, function and behavior, and (3) human behavior and expectations as a means to understanding the social aspects of interacting with these products.

The workshop aims to:

This workshop seeks to examine issues related to the design and development of social robots that act autonomously — that is, on behalf of humans without continuous input from humans. Our goal is to provide a forum for technologists, human scientists, and designers to discuss issues related to the interactions between humans and social robots: technology, product form, function and behavior, and most importantly, human behavior, expectations, and ethical issues related to these products. We hope to identify key research issues in this field, and provide a roadmap for future research in human-robot interaction.


We plan to cover a range of topics, including concepts, theories or guidelines for design of intelligent robotic products. Interesting topics are also the implementation methods and measuring methods for the social effects of robotic behavior.


The workshop will consist of a daylong highly interactive format that will encourage open dialogue and sharing wisdom. We will aim to achieve a balance of viewpoints and backgrounds in the selection of participants.


The submission deadline has passed.