Together with my father I digitized the German book “Die Chronik der Drewes” (PDF File) by Hans Troebs. It is 2127 pages of part one and two. It has been a major effort to photograph and OCR the whole book. This book is about the family history of the family Drewes all across Germany. Here is the German summary:
Die Chronik der Drewes, Dreves, Drews, Drefs, Dreffs, Drebes, Drebs, Dreps, Drewsen, Drewis, Drevsen, Trebes, Trebs, Troebes, Tröbs, Troebs, Tröps, Tröbus, Trebst, Trübst, Troebst, Trebitz, Tröbitz, Trebesius, Trebus, Trebbus, Trebuß, auch Drees, Drebus, Dröbus, Trebuth, Trebbuth, Tributh, Trips, Treibs, Trebsdorf.
Eingebettet in die allgemeine Geschichte und eingebunden in das Leben ihrer Heimat, mit der Entstehung ihres Familiennamens aus namenloser Zeit plötzlich auftauchen und dann fortleben durch die Jahrhunderte bis zur weitgefächerten Verbreitung in der Gegenwart. Mit Einblicken in die Ortschroniken, Rückblicken auf die früheren Jahrhunderte, mündlichen und schriftlichen Überlieferungen, Stammfolgen, Lebensläufen und Lebensdaten sowie Wappen und Bildern von den Familien, von den Wohnorten, Häusern und Höfen, in ihrer Mannigfaltigkeit erforscht, dargestellt und herausgegeben.
It is very rare book and not even available on the second hand market. So we took the effort to make it available.
Hello, I am interested in the book. How much would you like for the book?
Just click on the link in the first line. It takes you to Scribd where you can purchase the PDF.
Thanks a lot! I just purchased the book via and by this info I could complete a side arm of my family tree! Perfect.
(My birthday is wrong in the book BTW ;-) )
(Thorsten Drewes, son of Peter Drewes)
I am glad that the book is useful for you.
BTW: your blog is quite interesting! I’m a software developer (I have a degree in computer science from the CAU Kiel (university of Kiel)), was as a child very much into LEGO and did experiment a bit with Mindstorms V2 together with my son a few years back…
What is your connection to the Drewes family?
I´d like to buy The Chronik because I´m a Drewes, too.
Mr. Troebs got all the informations of our family many years ago and we would like to have an exemplar.
Please help me :).
I am currently working on making the PDF available through another platform.
The PDF file is now available directly from this website.
Thank you very much :). I´m so happy!! Many greetings!!
Hy folks,
do your know if Hans Troebs still alive? I want to contact him. I read the 3rd part of his chronicles about the “Drewes” from 1991 and i`m interested to help him to continue his work.
Best wishes from Hamburg, Germany
I have no information on this.
in the PDF i am missing pages 63 and 75.
Could you please provide them too?
Best Regards,
I am sorry, we might have missed a page or two and the book is back in the library. I cannot help you.
Hy Mr. Bartneck,
if you give my Mail to Mr. Kohrt, so i can help him.
Best Wishes for 2019
Enno Drewes
hello mr. Bartneck,
I lookin for the pages 1275 – 2127; i can´t find them….
I am sorry, we might have missed a page or two and the book is back in the library. I cannot help you.
Hello Mr. Bartneck,
Did you translate this book to English or is there a English version around?
I would also like to contact Enno Drewes if you would share his contact information.
I am the son of Richard Herman Drewes, son off Friedrich Heimrich Herman Drewes, Son of Casten HN Drewes.
Bruce Drewes
To my knowledge this book was never translated to English. It would be a rather big endeavour. I also do not have any current addresses. My family tree connects with the Drewes in much earlier times. I am sorry to be of so little help.
Are both bands available or just Band 1? The pages stop at 1274 but the index has well over that. Thanks.
I uploaded the combined Band 1&2 and changed the link on the web page. Please feel free to download this version.
Thank you very much for Band 2. Greatly appreciated.
Leider wird die Chronik nicht gepflegt und endet ca 1980! Ich stehe da auch auf irgendeiner der hinteren Seiten als dritter Sohn von Joachim Bruno Drews 24.01.1941 in Posen geboren. Mittlerweile habe ich vier Kinder und fünf Enkel! Die beiden Bücher hatten wir auch mal aber leider nicht auffindbar! Schöne wäre eine pdf.
Ich wünsche allen Gesundheit und viel Spaß mit der Chronik!
Grüße aus dem Harz/ Germany
Jörg Drews
Das PDF des Buches befindet sich in dem ersten link.