
This is the list of courses I teach:

Course archive:

Master Thesis of students I supervised:

PHD students I supervise:

  • Sharon Temtsin
  • Benjamin Lebrun
  • Mamehgol Yousefi

Graduated PHD students:​

Software Architecture For Social Robots
Martin Saerbeck
Software Architecture for Social Robotics
Omar Mubin
ROILA – Robot Interaction Language
Alex Juarez
Semantic Web for Robots – An Application for interoperationability between virtual worlds and real robots
Individualized virtual reality rehabilitation after brain injuries
Sebastian Koenig
Individualized virtual reality rehabilitation after brain injuries
Improving Clinical Education Through the Use of Virtual Patient-based Computer Simulations
Alexandre Heitz
Improving Clinical Education Through the Use of Virtual Patient-based Computer Simulations
Gregory Baker
User Creativity In The Appropriation Of Information And Communication Technologies: A Cognitivist-Ecological Explanation From A Critical Realist Perspective
Jakub Zlotwoski
Understanding Anthropomorphism in the Interaction Between Users and Robots
David Celemin Altimira
Designing engaging non-parallel exertion games through game balancing
Seungwon Kim
The Interface for Remote Parallel Experience Collaboration Using Augmented Visual Communication Cues
Eduardo Benítez Sandoval
Reciprocity in human robot interaction
Jürgen Brandstetter
The Power of Robot Groups with a Focus on Persuasive and Linguistic Cues
Hyungon Kim
3D Multi-user Interactive Visualization with A Shared Large-scale Display
Veera Bhadra Harish Mandalika
Interactive visualization of MARS spectral CT datasets
For a good summary of the work have a look at this publication:
Mandalika, V. B. H., Chernoglazov, A. I., Billinghurst, M., Bartneck, C., Hurrell, M., Ruiter, N. d., et al. (2018). A hybrid 2D/3D user interface for radiological diagnosis. Journal of Digital Imaging, 31(1), 56-73. doi:  10.1007/ s10278-017-0002-6 PDF
 Sean Welsh
Exploratory moral code: formalizing normative decisions using non-modal deontic logic and tiered utility.
For a good overview of his thesis, consider purchasing his book:
Ethics and Security Automata: Policy and Technical Challenges of the Robotic Use of Force

Merel Keijsers
Robot bullying

Dwain D. Allan
Mind(sets) over machine? The influence of implicit self-theories in human-robot interaction.