CFP: New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction

A two-day symposium at AISB 2009 (8-9 April 2009), Edinburgh, Scotland

Held during the Science Festival (6-18 April 2009):


Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) is a growing research field with many application areas that could  have a big impact not only economically, but also on the way we live and the kind of relationships we may develop with machines. Due to its interdisciplinary nature different views and approaches towards HRI need to be nurtured. This symposium will provide a platform to discuss collaboratively recent findings and challenges in HRI. Different categories of submissions are encouraged that reflect the different types of research studies that are being carried out. The symposium will encourage a diversity of views on HRI and different approaches taken. In the highly interdisciplinary research field of HRI, a peaceful dialogue among such approaches is expected to contribute to the synthesis of a body of knowledge that may help HRI sustain its creative inertia that has drawn to HRI during the past 10 years many researchers from HCI, robotics, psychology, the social sciences, and other fields. Continue reading “CFP: New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction”

CFP: ISSNIP 2008 Symposium on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2008)

A new HRI symposium has emerged. It will take place on December 15-18, 2008 in Sydney. Here is their call for papers:

Human-robot interaction and collaboration is a quickly growing research area with enormous potential applications in various industries, assistive technologies and human life. The need for human-machine interaction is fundamental to almost all robotic system applications, from operator control of large robot fleets, through intervention in search and rescue robotics, to use of robots in aged care and domestic settings. Together human and machine must cooperatively achieve a task, requiring a joint understanding of abilities and intent, and safe joint management of task execution.  Continue reading “CFP: ISSNIP 2008 Symposium on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2008)”

Recognizing and Identifying People in Family Pictures

I recently started to document my family’s history. This genealogy expedition became urgent since my grandparent might not life much longer. I encountered several practical and conceptual problems that are far from being trivial and I would like to invite you to work with me on them, possibly in the format of a (student) project. Continue reading “Recognizing and Identifying People in Family Pictures”