
We created the Metaverse before the Metaverse

With Facebook renaming itself to “Meta” and pronouncing the “Metaverse” I could not help but reminiscent on our Metaverse 1 Project that we participated in as early as 2007. This was a European Project funded through the ITEA4 Framework.

A consortium of 32 organisation from 6 countries had come together to advance the workings of virtual worlds. By creating a standard interface, the METAVERSE1 project made it possible for information to be shared between different virtual worlds and the real world and has led to the development of an international standard.

We were there the first in the Metaverse!

South Island Short Course Championship 2021

JASI Masters are looking forward to hosting the South Island Short Course Champs on 10/11 September 2021 at Jellie Park. Please come and join us. The meet will be held over three sessions – Friday night, Saturday morning and afternoon.

Para entries are also very welcome for the first time ever. Registration details will be available in early July.

South Island Short Course Championship 2021

Bill and Mary’s House

Building Instructions for Bill and Mary’s House

The LEGO Idea Book 6000 was a great inspiration for me as a child. I did not have all the bricks back then and probably not now either. But we can build all the models digitally. This is my first go at creating a model with instructions in You can download the instructions in the PDF format. Happy building!



New Book Available: An Introduction to Ethics in Robotics and AI

Springer published our open access book.

Our new book entitled An Introduction to Ethics in Robotics and AI is now available under the Open Access policy of Springer. You can download the PDF directly or flip through the pages below.



LEGO Train Automation

How to control four LEGO trains on one track.

The LEGO company offers remote controls to play with your trains. You can control up to four trains with one remote. This works fine as long as each train runs on a dedicated track and you only need to pay attention to one train at a time. LEGO only allows you to control trains. You cannot control track switches, lights or decouplers remotely.

The 4DBrix company is offering advanced train automation and today I would like to share my latest train automation project with you. I ran four trains on one track without any collisions.

This video shows all four trains from the top, including a picture in picture video of one of the trains.

This video is a 360 panoramic video. You can spin the camera and look at all the trains and LEGO sets.

I used 4DBrix’s nControl IDE to program all the trains that were connected to the computer using Bluetooth. nControl uses the Python programming language. One little hick up was the need to flash the firmware of my BLED112 Bluetooth dongle to allow for more than three trains simultaneously.