The HIT Lab NZ at the Canterbury University (Christchurch, New Zealand) in collaboration with the Institute of Information Processing (Warsaw) has the following vacancy for a PhD student:
Performance Indicators and Visualizations for Polish Science
Project Description
In many countries, quantifiable indicators are being used to assess the success of scientific organizations and individuals. The discussion and implementation of scientific indicators is only starting in Poland, which gives an opportunity to develop a modern system for the assessment of scientific organizations and individuals.
This system should go far beyond the counting of publications and should balance qualitative with quantitative indicators. Such a system should be easy to use and openly available, so that the wide public can make up its own mind about the quality of organizations, individuals and the topics that are being investigated. This approach will help to democratize and objectify discussions that may lead to the future funding policies.
The Institute of Information Processing (OPI) in Warsaw is officially keeping the record of the results of the completed research and R&D projects and will provide access to their databases. The goal of this PhD project is to develop a user-friendly software tool that allows researchers and policy makers to reliably assess the scientific performance of individuals, projects and organizations.
The candidate must have a masters degree in computer science or a closely related field (information science, HCI, interaction design etc.) from an acknowledged academic institution. He/she should have an interest in data mining and web technology, as witnessed by project results or relevant courses. It would also be benefitial if the candidate is familiar with computer visualization and have knowledge about user-centered software development.
The candidate must be able to co-operate in a multidisciplinary and international team in which English is the main language, but they must also be fluent in the Polish language. The candidate should also be willing to stay for an extended time in both Christchurch and Warsaw.
In addition to the requirements above, the candidate needs to have a scientific attitude and the motivation to perform his/her research independently and at a high academic level. A more general interest in the philosophy and history of science as well as knowledge of other European languages would be helpful.
The HIT Lab NZ and the Institute of Information Processing
The Human Interface Technology Laboratory New Zealand (HIT Lab NZ) is world leading reserach institutions developing and commercializing technology that improves human computer interaction. The HIT Lab NZ has over 50 staff and students and has extensive experience in data mining, visualization and social networks. The HIT Lab NZ is located at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand. The University of Canterbury has the top Engineering School in New Zealand, including a highly ranked Department of Computer Science.
Christchurch is the second largest city in New Zealand and offers an exciting and easy lifestyle for students. It is the most affordable major city to live in. It easy to get around whether you are biking, walking, driving or using the excellent public transport system. Christchurch also offers outstanding opportunities for outdoor activities, and is close to both surf beaches and ski-fields.
The Institute of Information Processing (OPI) is located in the vibrant metropol of Warsaw, Poland. It is a research and development unit supervised by the State Committee for Scientific Research, at present the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. OPI developments information systems on the organization and financing of scientific research.
Appointment and Salary
The appointment is full time for a duration of four years. As an employee of the Institute of Information Processing you will receive a salary of 1000 EUR per month. As a student at the Canterbury University, you will receive a scholarship that will pay for the intuition fees and will provide additional support for accommodation and traveling. Assistance for finding accommodation can be given.
The research in this project must be concluded with writing a PhD thesis within the Human Interface Technology PhD program of the HIT Lab NZ or a PhD in Computer Science within the Department of Computer Science. The PhD student will be located in both Warsaw and Christchurch., and will spend at least between 3 and 6 month in Christchurch per year and the remainder of their time in Warsaw. The student will spend the first six months at the Canterbury University.
Further Information and Application
Further information can be obtained by contacting Christoph Bartneck ( or Agnieszka Matysiak Szóstek ( Information about the HIT Lab NZ is available at: and the Institute of Information Processing at
Please send your application as one PDF file to Your application must include a letter explaining your specific interest in the project, an extensive curriculum vitae, and a list of three references.