René Ahn, Loe Feijs, Saskia Bakker, Sibrecht Bouwstra, Jos Verbeek, Bram van der Vlist, Arne Wessels and Rick van de Westelaken created wonderful robots and Lego extensions. Continue reading “Results – Lego Beyond Toys 1”
Tag: nxt
Tutorial on how to install and run Java on Lego Mindstorms NXT using Eclipse
This tutorial will show you how to install and configure all the software necessary for you to develop Java programs for the LEGO Mindstorms NXT. Java is much more powerful and flexible than the original NXT-G software that LEGO provides. We will be using the Eclipse editor to write the actual Java code and to download this into the NXT. This combination enables you to conveniently write software and to quickly test it on the NXT. Of course there are many other Java editors, but we consider this combination to be particularly convenient. This tutorial focuses on the Windows XP platform, A Mac OS X tutorial is also available. We have two additional steps for Windows Vista. You will work through the following five steps: Continue reading “Tutorial on how to install and run Java on Lego Mindstorms NXT using Eclipse”