After I integrated a Raspberry Pi 4 into a C64 Maxi, I wanted to start actually using it. Once I got my fingers onto the keyboard I realised that what is printed on the keys is not what would appear on the screen. Here is what is printed on the keys:
The layout of the C64 keyboard does not follow the ANSI standard. It even has some keys that related back to programming in BASIC, such as RESTORE and RUN STOP. Here is what a typical 60% keyboard would look like:
The difference between the two is market here:
Some keys produce the expected result while other have a very different function. Here is what the actual input is when you press the keys in Raspbian using the ANSI 104 (US) keyboard layout in the settings:
It would be great if there was an easy way to re-map the keys but this would require a little bit of work on the command line and in several configuration files. Still, it would be great to have an actual Cursor UP and Cursor LEFT key. I will look into this.
Hi Christoph, thanks for your documentation, i made the same project and for keyboard mapping, i modified both keyboard layout and keycode
You can use xev command to find key code then create a .Xmodmap file:
keycode 49 = Escape
keycode 71 = Up
keycode 73 = Down
keycode 114 = Right
keycode 116 = Left
althought change the /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us
key { [ 1, exclam ] };
key { [ 2, quotedbl ] };
key { [ 3, numbersign ] };
key { [ 4, dollar ] };
key { [ 5, percent ] };
key { [ 6, ampersand ] };
key { [ 7, apostrophe ] };
key { [ 8, parenleft ] };
key { [ 9, parenright ] };
key { [ 0, backslash ] };
key { [ underscore,underscore ] };
key { [ colon, bracketleft ] };
key { [ semicolon, bracketright ] };
key { [ asterisk ] };
key { [ bar ] };
key { [at ] };
I’ve been pootling about with this stuff myself, and think i’ve now cracked the keymap fully for a QMK based USB Keyboard and TheC64 mini.
I’ve submitted the Keymap to the QMK Github!
Try my project I´ve built exactly what you need. Every key work as labeled in any Operative System.