Visualization of the General Terms used at the CHI conference

Niko Vegt visualized what general terms have been used to describe the CHI publications. His full report is also available. The term “Theory” appears to have the strongest fluctuations. “Human Factors” and “Design” appear to be pretty stable and “Experimentation” remains one of the least frequently used term.

CHI General Terms over time.

Statistics on the scientific staff members of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

Me and a colleague from another department recently wondered if there were any structural differences between the nine departments at the TU/e. So I collected the information from out website as of today. The table below shows that Industrial Design is by far the smallest department and that we have the fewest associate professors (3). Biomedical Engineering has almost the same number of professors, but they have more than double the number of PhD students and teachers. Mechanical engineering does only list three teachers, which is well below average. The complete data is available.

faculty # phd pd teach. professor
# assist. assoc. full
industrial design 132 46 3 47 36 61.1% 8.3% 30.6%
biomedical engineering 286 108 26 110 42 35.7% 16.7% 47.6%
physics 277 163 32 19 63 31.7% 27.0% 41.3%
architecture 241 75 3 77 86 51.2% 19.8% 29.1%
chemical engineering 351 169 64 56 62 29.0% 29.0% 41.9%
mechanical engineering 251 142 31 3 75 42.7% 22.7% 34.7%
electrical engineering 325 137 39 63 86 38.4% 19.8% 41.9%
indust, eng. & inov. sci.novation
238 73 9 50 106 55.7% 16.0% 28.3%
computer science 329 116 43 58 112 55.4% 13.4% 31.3%

Collaboration within the Designed Intelligence Group in the Year 2009

We performed a co-authorship analysis of the publications from the Designed Intelligence Group at the Department of Industrial Design at the Eindhoven University of Technology. The data was gathered from the Metis system. The graph only shows publications from the year 2009 which were authored from at least two DI group members. The size of the circle indicates the total number of publications and the width of the lines indicates the number of co-authored papers. The graph visualizes my collaboration with the members of the DI group in 2009.

Collaboration within the Desigend Intelligence Group