CFP: 2nd International Conference on Human-Robot Personal Relationships

Within the fields of Human-Computer Interaction and Human-Robot Interaction, the past few years have witnessed a strong upsurge of interest in the more personal aspects of human relationships with artificial partners. In 2008 Maastricht University organised the 1st International Conference on Human-Robot Relationships. This was inspired by the defence of David Levy’s (2007) thesis, Intimate Relationships with Artificial Partners. The thesis attracted wide media publicity as did the 1st conference. Meanwhile, the
Maastricht research group has moved to Tilburg University and therefore this university is organizing and hosting the 2nd International Conference on Human-Robot Personal Relationships, during the period June 11-12, 2009. Continue reading “CFP: 2nd International Conference on Human-Robot Personal Relationships”

CFP: FIRA International Conference Social Robotics (ICSR 2009)

August 16th – 18th, 2009, Incheon, Korea


The International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR) is to be held at the Hotel Ramada (Tentatively) in Incheon in Korea, 16th ~ 18th August 2009, under the FIRA RoboWorld Congress 2009, together with another five conferences. Social Robotics is the study of robots that are able to interact and communicate among themselves, with humans, and with the environment, within the social and cultural structure attached to their roles. The very nature of social robotics demands expertise from diverse disciplines. The conference aims to bring together the international community of researchers and practitioners to share their forefront research and the latest advancements in social robotics, as well as interactions with human beings and integration into our society.

The conference welcomes original, peer reviewed papers and contributions describing technically rigorous scientific and philosophical advances in social robots, and their interactions and communications with humans, especially innovative ideas and concepts, new discoveries and improvements, as well as novel applications on the latest fundamental advances in the core technologies that from the backbone of social robotics, distinguished developmental projects, as well as seminal works in aesthetic design, ethics and philosophy, studies on social impact and influence pertaining to social robotics, and its interaction and communication with human being and its social impact on our society. Continue reading “CFP: FIRA International Conference Social Robotics (ICSR 2009)”

CFP: New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction

A two-day symposium at AISB 2009 (8-9 April 2009), Edinburgh, Scotland

Held during the Science Festival (6-18 April 2009):


Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) is a growing research field with many application areas that could  have a big impact not only economically, but also on the way we live and the kind of relationships we may develop with machines. Due to its interdisciplinary nature different views and approaches towards HRI need to be nurtured. This symposium will provide a platform to discuss collaboratively recent findings and challenges in HRI. Different categories of submissions are encouraged that reflect the different types of research studies that are being carried out. The symposium will encourage a diversity of views on HRI and different approaches taken. In the highly interdisciplinary research field of HRI, a peaceful dialogue among such approaches is expected to contribute to the synthesis of a body of knowledge that may help HRI sustain its creative inertia that has drawn to HRI during the past 10 years many researchers from HCI, robotics, psychology, the social sciences, and other fields. Continue reading “CFP: New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction”