With great sadness I became aware today that Robert M. Pirsig, author of “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” and “Lila: An Inquiry into Morals” died today. He was and always will be a personal hero for me. His work inspired some of my own articles. Robert, you will be greatly missed and I wished you had written more.
Tag: quality
Notes on Design and Science
The ICT&S Center at the Salzburg University kindly invited me to present my thoughts on Design and Science. Professor Manfred Tscheligi and Dr Astrid Weiss organized this inspiring evening in the picturesque old city center of Salzburg. Please enjoy this video recording of the presentation. You can link to the video through its DOI: 10.4016/17749.01. A report on this event is available at the ICT&S Center’s website.