Bloomberg Businessweek interviewed Omics about my nonsense paper

Esmé E Deprez and Caroline Chen from Bloomberg Businessweek visited the headquarters of Omics in India to interview its owner Srinubabu Gedela about his company. Omics is widely considered a predatory publisher that publishes papers without rigorous peer review. Confronted with the acceptance of my non-sensical paper he replied that “Bartneck’s paper slipped through because it was submitted so close to the conference’s deadline.” Yeah, right.


I came across a nice tool to calculate your bibliometric indicators: Scholarometer. They take their data from Google Scholar and add some additional magic. Here are my stats:

Notes on Design and Science

The ICT&S Center at the Salzburg University kindly invited me to present my thoughts on Design and Science. Professor Manfred Tscheligi and Dr Astrid Weiss organized this inspiring evening in the picturesque old city center of Salzburg. Please enjoy this video recording of the presentation. You can link to the video through its DOI: 10.4016/17749.01. A report on this event is available at the ICT&S Center’s website.

Design and Science Course

To know that we know what we know,
and to know that we do not know what we do not know,
that is true knowledge.
– Copernicus

Understanding the status of design as a form of research is both important and problematic.The National Science Foundation’s Science of Design program, which highlights the role of design in the development of interactive systems, and the First International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology both point to the need for a community concerned with articulating different visions of design science and design research.This module will shed some light on the underlying concepts of design and science and their inherent conflicts. The students will reflect on their role as a designer and the methodologies they follow. In addition, the quality criteria that are used in design and science to evaluate the value of the produced knowledge and artifacts will be considered. This documents compiles relevant literature for the Design Science module. Continue reading “Design and Science Course”