The web pages proposes a series of questionnaires to measure the users’ perception of robots. This series shall be called “Godspeed” because it is intended to help creators of robots on their development journey.
I collected all the available translations into this spreadsheet.
Below you find the English, Spanish, Dutch,Japanese, and Chinese version. Please email me your translations into other languages. The Spanish translation was contributed by Javier Ruiz-del-Solar. The Dutch and Chinese translation was contributed by Bram Vanderborght. The German translation was contributed by Mary Ellen Foster and Manuel Giuliani. The Arabic translation was contributed by Micheline Ziadee. Alexander Astaras translated the questionnaire to Greek. Wafa Johal provided the French translation. Carina Dantas provided the Portuguese translation. Franziska Kirstein provided the Danish translation. Elena Knox provided the Korean translation. Xose Xavier Rodriguez Rivera provided the Spanish, Catalan, Galician and Basque translations. Sofia Thunberg provided the Swedish translation.
This questionnaire has been discussed in detailed in this publication:
Bartneck, C., Croft, E., Kulic, D. & Zoghbi, S. (2009). Measurement instruments for the anthropomorphism, animacy, likeability, perceived intelligence, and perceived safety of robots. International Journal of Social Robotics, 1(1) 71-81. | DOI: 10.1007/s12369-008-0001-3
Godspeed I: Anthropomorphism, Antropomorfismo, Anthropomorphismus, Ανθρωπομορφισμός, Anthropomorphisme, Antropomorfismo, Menneskelighed, 인격화
Παρακαλούμε βαθμολογείστε την εντύπωση που σχηματίσατε για το ρομπότ στις παρακάτω κλίμακες:
Bitte beurteilen sie Ihren Eindruck des Roboters auf diesen Skalen:
Please rate your impression of the robot on these scales:
Por favor de su opinión del robot en los siguientes aspectos:
Geef aub uw indruk van de robot weer aan de hand van onderstaande schalen:
다음의스케일에따라로봇의인상을평가해 주세요.
من فضلك حدد\حددي انطباعك عن الروبوت على المقاييس التالية:
Veuillez noter vos impressions au sujet du robot sur les échelles ci-dessous:
Por favor, avalie a sua impressão sobre as caraterísticas humanas do robô nas seguintes escalas:
Angiv venligst dine indtryk af robotten på en skala fra 1 til 5:
Ψεύτικο Unecht Fake Falso Onecht 가짜같은 偽物のような 虚假的 مزيف Faux Falso Unaturligt |
1 2 3 4 5 | Φυσικό Natürlich Natural Natural Natuurlijk 자연스러운 自然な 自然的 طبيعي Naturel Natural Naturligt |
Μηχανόμορφο Wie eine Maschine Machinelike Con Aspecto de Máquina Lijkend op een machine 기계적인 機械的 似机械的 شبيه بالالات D’aspect Machinale Com aspeto mecânico Mekanisk |
1 2 3 4 5 | Ανθρωπόμορφο Wie ein Mensch Humanlike Con Aspecto Humano Lijkend op een mens 인간같은 人間的 似人类的 شبيه بالانسان D’aspect Humain Com aspeto humano Menneskeligt |
Χωρίς συνείδηση Hat kein Bewusstsein Unconscious Inconsciente Onbewust 의식이 없는 意識を持たない 无意识的 غير مدرك Inconscient Inconsciente Ubevidst |
1 2 3 4 5 | Με συνείδηση Hat ein Bewusstsein Conscious Consciente Heeft een bewustzijn 의식이 있는 意識を持っている 有意识的 مدرك Conscient Consciente Bevidst |
Τεχνητό Künstlich Artificial Artificial Kunstmatig 인공적 人工的 人工的 اصطناعي Artificiel Artificial Kunstig |
1 2 3 4 5 | Ζωντανό Realistisch Lifelike Parece Vivo Levensecht 생물적 生物的 逼真的 يبدو حقيقي Paraissant vivant Realista Livagtig |
Άκομψη κίνηση Bewegt sich steif Moving rigidly Se Mueve Rígidamente Houterige bewegingen 어색한 움직임 ぎこちない動き 动作僵硬 حركه متصلبه Bougeant avec rigidité Move-se com rigidez Stive bevægelser |
1 2 3 4 5 | Φυσική κίνηση Bewegt sich flüssig Moving elegantly Se Mueve con Fluidez Vloeiende bewegingen 정교한 움직임 洗練された動き 动作流畅 حركه انيقه Bougeant avec fluidité Move-se com fluidez Elegante bevægelser |
Godspeed II: Animacy, Animacidad, Belebtheit, Κινητικότητα, Animation, Expressão de vida, 활동성
Παρακαλούμε βαθμολογείστε την εντύπωση που σχηματίσατε για το ρομπότ στις παρακάτω κλίμακες:
Bitte beurteilen sie Ihren Eindruck des Roboters auf diesen Skalen:
Please rate your impression of the robot on these scales:
Por favor de su opinión del robot en los siguientes aspectos:
Geef aub uw indruk van de robot weer aan de hand van onderstaande schalen:
다음의스케일에따라로봇의인상을평가해 주세요.
من فضلك حدد\حددي انطباعك عن الروبوت على المقاييس التالية:
Veuillez noter vos impressions au sujet du robot sur les échelles ci-dessous:
Por favor, avalie a sua impressão sobre a expressão de vida do robô nas seguintes escalas:
Angiv venligst dine indtryk af robotten på en skala fra 1 til 5:
Άψυχο Tot Dead Muerto Dood 죽어있는 死んでいる 死的 ميت Mort Morto Død |
1 2 3 4 5 | Ζωντανό Lebendig Alive Con Vida Levend 살아있는 生きている 活的 حي Vivant Com vida Levende |
Στάσιμο Unbewegt Stagnant Inactivo Stilstaand 활기가 없는 活気のない 静止的 ساكن Inanimé Parado Ubevægelig |
1 2 3 4 5 | Ευκίνητο Lebendig Lively Vivaz Levendig 생기있는 生き生きとした 活泼的 حيوي Animé Enérgico Livlig |
Μηχανικό Mechanisch Mechanical Mecánico Mechanisch 기계적인 機械的な 机械的 الي Mécanique Mecânico Mekanisk |
1 2 3 4 5 | Βιολογικό Organisch Organic Orgánico Organisch 유기적인 有機的な 有机的 عضوي Organique Orgânico Organisk |
Τεχνητό Künstlich Artificial Artificial Kunstmatig 인공적인 人工的な 人工的 اصطناعي Artificiel Artificial Kunstig |
1 2 3 4 5 | Μοιάζει ζωντανό Realistisch Lifelike Parece Vivo Levensecht 생물적인 生物的な 逼真的 يبدو حقيقي Réaliste Realista Livagtig |
Αδρανές Träge Inert Estático Passief 不活発な 迟钝的 جامد Inert Estático Doven |
1 2 3 4 5 | Διαδραστικό Interaktiv Interactive Interactivo Interactief 対話的な 互动的 متفاعل Interactif Interativo Interaktiv |
Απαθές Apathisch Apathetic Indiferente Apatisch 무관심한 無関心な 冷淡的 لا مبالي Apathique Apático Apatisk |
1 2 3 4 5 | Ανταποκρίνεται Reagierend Responsive Atento Responsief 반응을 하는 反応のある 反应迅速的 متجاوب Attentif Participativo Modtagelig |
Godspeed III: Likeability, Simpatía, Συμπαθητικότητα, Appréciation, Simpatia, 호감도
Παρακαλούμε βαθμολογείστε την εντύπωση που σχηματίσατε για το ρομπότ στις παρακάτω κλίμακες:
Bitte beurteilen sie Ihren Eindruck des Roboters auf diesen Skalen:
Please rate your impression of the robot on these scales:
Por favor de su opinión del robot en los siguientes aspectos:
Geef aub uw indruk van de robot weer aan de hand van onderstaande schalen:
다음의스케일에따라로봇의인상을평가해 주세요.
من فضلك حدد\حددي انطباعك عن الروبوت على المقاييس التالية:
Veuillez noter vos impressions au sujet du robot sur les échelles ci-dessous:
Por favor, avalie a sua impressão sobre a simpatia do robô nas seguintes escalas:
Angiv venligst dine indtryk af robotten på en skala fra 1 til 5:
Δε μου αρέσει Nicht mögen Dislike Disgusta Afkeer 싫음 嫌い 不喜欢 لا احبه Déplaisant Não gosto Ikke tiltalende |
1 2 3 4 5 | Μου αρέσει Mögen Like Gusta Geliefd 좋음 好き 喜欢 احبه Plaisant Gosto Tiltalende |
Μη φιλικό Unfreundlich Unfriendly No Amigable Onvriendelijk 친해지기 어려운 親しみにくい 不友好的 غير ودود Inamical Hostil Uvenlig |
1 2 3 4 5 | Φιλικό Freundlich Friendly Amigable Vriendelijk 친해지기 쉬운 親しみやすい 友好的 ودود Amical Amigável Venlig |
Αγενές Unhöflich Unkind Descortés Niet lief 불친절한 不親切な 不亲切的 غير طيب Malaimable Antipático Uhøflig |
1 2 3 4 5 | Ευγενές Höflich Kind Amable Lief 친절한 親切な 亲切的 طيب Aimable Gentil Høflig |
Δυσάρεστο Unangenehm Unpleasant Desagradable Onplezierig 불쾌한 不愉快な 不愉快的 غير ممتع Désagreable Desagradável Ubehagelig |
1 2 3 4 5 | Ευχάριστο Angenehm Pleasant Agradable Plezierig 유쾌한 愉快な 愉快的 ممتع Agréable Agradável Behagelig |
Απαίσιο Furchtbar Awful Feo Afschuwelijk 형편없는 ひどい 恶劣的 مقيت Horrible Horrível Frygtelig |
1 2 3 4 5 | Συμπαθές Nett Nice Lindo Mooi 좋은 良い 良好的 لطيف Gentil Simpático God |
Godspeed IV: Perceived Intelligence, Inteligencia Percibida, Εκλαμβανόμενη Ευφυΐα, Intelligence Perçue, Inteligência Percebida, 감지된 지능
Παρακαλούμε βαθμολογείστε την εντύπωση που σχηματίσατε για το ρομπότ στις παρακάτω κλίμακες:
Bitte beurteilen sie Ihren Eindruck des Roboters auf diesen Skalen:
Please rate your impression of the robot on these scales:
Por favor de su opinión del robot en los siguientes aspectos:
Geef aub uw indruk van de robot weer aan de hand van onderstaande schalen:
다음의스케일에따라로봇의인상을평가해 주세요.
من فضلك حدد\حددي انطباعك عن الروبوت على المقاييس التالية:
Veuillez noter vos impressions au sujet du robot sur les échelles ci-dessous:
Por favor, avalie a sua impressão sobre a inteligência percebida do robô nas seguintes escalas:
Angiv venligst dine indtryk af robotten på en skala fra 1 til 5:
Ανίκανο Inkompetent Incompetent Incompetente Onbekwaam 무능한 無能な 无能力的 غير كفوء Uncompétent Incompetente Inkompetent |
1 2 3 4 5 | Ικανό Kompetent Competent Competente Bekwaam 유능한 有能な 有能力的 كفوء Compétent Competente Kompetent |
Αδαές Ungebildet Ignorant Ignorante Onwetend 무지한 無知な 无知识的 جاهل Ignorant Ignorante Uvidende |
1 2 3 4 5 | Καταρτισμένο Unterrichtet Knowledgeable Culto Veel wetend 박식한 物知りな 有知识的 مطلع Cultivé Sabedor Velvidende |
Ανεύθυνο Verantwortungslos Irresponsible Irresponsable Onverantwoordelijk 무책임한 無責任な 无责任的 غيرمسؤول Irresponsable Irresponsável Uansvarlig |
1 2 3 4 5 | Υπεύθυνο Verantwortungsbewusst Responsible Responsable Verantwoordelijk 책임감 있는 責任のある 有责任的 مسؤول Responsable Responsável Ansvarlig |
Κουτό Unintelligent Unintelligent Sin inteligencia Onintelligent 무식한 知的でない, 无智力的 غير ذكي Inintelligent Pouco inteligente Uintelligent |
1 2 3 4 5 | Έξυπνο Intelligent Intelligent Inteligente Intelligent 지적인 知的な 有智力的 ذكي Intelligent Inteligente Intelligent |
Ανόητο Unvernünftig Foolish Insensato Dwaas 어리석은 愚かな 笨拙的 غير عاقل Insensé Insensato Tåbelig |
1 2 3 4 5 | Λογικό Vernünftig Sensible Juicioso Gevoelig 현명한 賢明な 敏感的 عاقل Sensé Sensato Fornuftig |
Godspeed V: Perceived Safety, Seguridad Percibida, Sicherheit, Εκλαμβανόμενη Ασφάλεια, Sureté perçue, Segurança Percebida, 감지된 안전성
Παρακαλούμε βαθμολογείστε τη δική σας συναισθηματική κατάσταση στις παρακάτω κλίμακες:
Bitte bewerten Sie Ihren emotionalen Zustand auf diesen Skalen:
Please rate your emotional state on these scales:
¿Cómo se sintió durante su interacción con el robot?
Geef aub uw indruk van de robot weer aan de hand van onderstaande schalen:
다음의스케일에따라로봇의인상을평가해 주세요.
من فضلك حدد\حددي انطباعك عن الروبوت على المقاييس التالية:
Veuillez noter votre état émotionel sur les échelles ci-dessous:
Por favor, avalie o seu estado emocional sobre a segurança percebida do robô nas seguintes escalas:
Angiv venligst dine indtryk af robotten på en skala fra 1 til 5:
Ανήσυχος Ängstlich Anxious Ansioso Angstig 불안한 不安な 不安的 قلق Anxieux Ansioso Ængstelig |
1 2 3 4 5 | Χαλαρός Entspannt Relaxed Relajado Ontspannen 안정된 落ち着いた 放松的 مسترخي Relaxé Descontraído Afslappet |
Ήρεμος Ruhig Calm Tranquilo Kalm 냉정한 冷静な 冷静的 منفعل Calme Calmo Rolig |
1 2 3 4 5 | Ταραγμένος Aufgewühlt Agitated Agitado Opgewonden 동요되는 動揺している 焦躁的 مطمئن Agité Agitado Urolig |
Ήσυχος Still Quiescent No Sorprendido Rustig 평온한 平穏な 沉默的 هادئ Serein Sereno Passiv |
1 2 3 4 5 | Ξαφνιασμένος Überrascht Surprised Sorprendido Verrast 놀란 驚いた 诧异的 متفاجئ Surpris Surprendido Overrasket |
Hello Christoph,
We just used this questionnaire series in an HRI study — thanks for providing it! We found that the responses on the last “perceived safety” (quiescent surprised) item were negatively correlated with the other two. Should that question actually be posed be the other way around?
Dear Christoph,
we also used your questionnaire, thanks for the work on it!
We also found the same negative correlation that Mary Ellen Foster found regarding the question “quiescent – surprised”.
Furthermore the question “calm – agitated” seems to be inverted as well.
It would seem logical to us that calm correlates with a safe robot and agitated with an unsafe experience not vice versa.
Hello Christoph,
Another question about the GODSPEED series: do you have any thoughts about using it in a pre-test/post-test setting? That is, if we ask people (e.g.) “how smart do you think the robot will be” before the experiment, and then “how smart do you think it was” afterwards — do you think that would be suitable?
I would like to know if there is a standard Godspeed questionnaire or I need to apply it on my own needs(Project).
Thank you
The questionnaire on this web page is the official godspeed questionnaire series. Feel free to edit it to your needs.
Dear Bartneck, thanks for your efforts on the questionnaire. It seems really useful. I (a PhD student on interactive play) am intending to use your questionnaire for a small “bonus” experiment comparing a virtual and real moving object. I have two questions, which I hope you can shed some light on.
1) Do you see problems in using only 3 sections of it?
2) I wondered what your view is on randomization of the questionnaire. I assumed it was intended to scatter the questions, so people don’t notice they are working on a one dimension measurement. However, there is a different description for part V.
What is better in your honest opinion/ how is it intended ?
a) using randomization with one description for all questions
b) using randomization with the description above every question or
c) using it as is with the items underneath each other, this option will probably increase your Cronbach Alpha but the randomization somehow feels neater to me.
You can use any of the four section independently of each other. There is even a small overlap between two of them. The questions within each section have no particular order. If you want, you can add dummy items to conceal the intention of the questionnaire. Just make sure that these dummy items to not interact with the actual items.
Hi Christoph, first of all thanks for sharing!
I didn’t find an explanation on how to weight the answers to determine scores for each of the evaluation parameters (Perceived Intelligence, etc). Could you help?
Furthermore I’d like to know if there is any study, or if you have any insight, on which would be a great distribution between the different parameters or if there is a minimum requirement for each of them, below which it would be better to rethink the robot design and increase it for a better HRI.
They are typically rated equally. Meaning that if you have four questions for one concept you would each give 25% weight.
hey there, thank you for sharing this, but I’d like to feedback some problem that might exists in terms of the Chinese translation. The corresponding translation of “Please rate your emotional state on these scales:” is “请在以下尺度上评价您对机器人的印象:”, instead in the questionnaire it is written the with its proposes. In the meanwhile I can’t find the translation of “Please rate your emotional state on these scales:” both in the google doc and the content above.
Dear Dr. Christoph Bartneck,
I apologize for contacting you unexpectedly. I am a graduate student at the University of Human Arts and Sciences in Japan, conducting research on the differences in the pseudo-authenticity of pets and their effects on human health. I am currently engaged in a study examining the visual impact of pet cats on human observers. Based on prior research, I believe that the Godspeed Questionnaire would be an ideal tool in my research.
Could I kindly request your permission to utilize the Godspeed Questionnaire in my study? I intend to fully acknowledge your contribution in any resulting publications or presentations.
Thank you for considering my request.
Best regards,
That is fine with me. Good luck with your research.
Dear Dr. Christoph Bartneck,
Thank you very much for your kind words and support. I appreciate it greatly and look forward to applying the insights gained from our interaction to my research. Wishing you all the best as well.
Best regards,