The web pages proposes a series of questionnaires to measure the users’ perception of robots. This series shall be called “Godspeed” because it is intended to help creators of robots on their development journey.
I collected all the available translations into this spreadsheet.
Below you find the English, Spanish, Dutch,Japanese, and Chinese version. Please email me your translations into other languages. The Spanish translation was contributed by Javier Ruiz-del-Solar. The Dutch and Chinese translation was contributed by Bram Vanderborght. The German translation was contributed by Mary Ellen Foster and Manuel Giuliani. The Arabic translation was contributed by Micheline Ziadee. Alexander Astaras translated the questionnaire to Greek. Wafa Johal provided the French translation. Carina Dantas provided the Portuguese translation. Franziska Kirstein provided the Danish translation. Elena Knox provided the Korean translation. Xose Xavier Rodriguez Rivera provided the Spanish, Catalan, Galician and Basque translations. Sofia Thunberg provided the Swedish translation.