Raspberry C64 Pi Computer

Running A Raspberry Pi 4 in a C64 case with fully functional keyboard and USB hub.

I integrated a Raspberry Pi 4 into a Commodore C64 Maxi case. The Pi uses the integrated keyboard and the USB hub. An integrated power supply provides power to both, the Pi and the C64, which now run in parallel. The Raspberry Pi boots from an internal SSD drive, turning this machine into a full desktop computer that can also run Retro Pi for true retro gaming.


Parts List


Technical Drawings

The technical drawings are available here.



Raspberry Pi camera LEGO compatible mount

I created this LEGO compatible Raspberry Pi mount so that I can add it to my BrickPi robot. You can use two pins or axles to close the lock. You can download the latest version of the 3D model from Autodesk and you may need Fusion 360 to work with the file. An optimized version for for affordable 3D printers is also available. I increased the tolerances in this model. I also uploaded it to GrabCAD.

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