5th Edition of the Unofficial LEGO Color Guide

I am happy to announce that the fifth edition of the The Unofficial LEGO Color Guide is now available. The book is available as a paperback and hardcover from Amazon.com. An eBook (PDF) is available from Lulu.

An important update happened behind the scenes. In the past I exported the color database to Adobe InDesign and then create the catalog from there. This process was complicated, labour intensive and error prone. The database has now been changed to create the catalog pages directly. Unfortunately, not all the design tricks possible with InDesign can be replicated with the database. The visual design was therefore modernised and extended.

Every edition of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and Lila: an inquiry into morals

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is arguably the most widely read philosophy book of all times. Since its first release in 1974 it has been printed by many publishers. Here is a list of all the editions that I could find. Rest in peace, Robert.

William Morrow and Company19749780688002305Original Publication
The Bodley Head Ltd1974 9780370103389
Bantam Doubleday Dell19769780552101660
Quill William Morrow19799780688052300
Bantam Books19809780553138757
Bantam Books19819780553277470
Bantam Books19829780553207088
Bantam Books19849780553257489
William Morrow and Company198410th Anniversary Edition Limited to 1000
Corgi19899780552993784Black Swan Edition
Vintage Publishing19919780099786405Random House, Printed by Clays Ltd.
Vintage Publishing19919780099786405Random House, Printed by Cox & Wyman Ltd.
William Morrow and Company19999780688002305978119950347325th Anniversary Edition
Easton Press2001Collectors Edition
William Morrow and Company20059780060839871Also from Harper Collins
Perfection Learning20059780756902407
Harper Torch20069780060589462
Vintage Publishing2006978009932261025th Anniversary Edition
William Morrow and Company200897800620089309780061673733
Vintage Publishing2011978009959816940th Anniversary Edition

The situation for “Lila: an inquiry into morals” is a little bit easier although this is the more important work.

Bantam Press19919780593025079
Bantam Press19919780553077377
Bantam Press19929780552995047Black Swan Edition
Bantam Press19929780553299618
Bantam Press19929780553180978
Alma Books20119781846881541

Generating Bibliographies On Your Home Page

The ACM is running the Author-Izer project to enable authors to generate and post links on either their home page or institutional repository for visitors to download the definitive version of their articles from the ACM Digital Library at no charge. So here are my ACM publications free to download. It is a pity that they do not provide an automatic updating services. You need to add the links to your new work manually. You can also use Endnote’s Bibliography tool to export your bibliography in an html format that you can then paste into your web page. Again, an automatic synchronization is missing. You can also use the excellent Academic Blogger’s Toolkit to upload your bibliography to your web site and then generate the list from there.

There are several services that allow you to manage your references online, such as Zotero, Mendeley, Endnote Web, CiteYouLike. You can use these to host your bibliography off site. You can also use their local clients to work on your references, such as to CiteWhileYouWrite in your Word or LaTeX documents. These clients sync with their online accounts.

But what you really want is to integrate a bibliography of your own work on your own website. Some of the services offer plugins for WordPress (Zotpress, Mendeley) which allow you to embed their data on your own home page. Here is an example of using Zotpress to display my 2015 publications: Continue reading “Generating Bibliographies On Your Home Page”