Interactive Vision Studio

At the Designed Intelligence Research Group of Department of Industrial Design at the Eindhoven University of Technology, we build an Interactive Vision Studio. We use a single camera and a single projector, which eliminates the need to align and synchronize multiple screens and cameras. Both, the camera and the projector have a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, which means that they have a 16:9 aspect ratio. Given the width of the projection screen of 6 meters, the screen should be 3.37 meters high to achieve the 16:9 aspect ratio. However, even tall people rarely exceed 2 meters in height. We therefore decided to exclude one third of the vertical dimension, which resulted in final dimensions for the screen of 592 cm x 222 cm. It follows that the projection will use 1920 x 720 pixels. The projector had to be placed at a distance of 12 meters from the screen to achieve this projection size. Continue reading “Interactive Vision Studio”

HRI2008 Student Design Competition

I organized the HRI2008 Student Design Competition this year. We had seven teams from around the world, each giving the jury (Hiroshi Ishiguro, Kerstin Dautenhan, Peter Kahn, Karl MacDorman, audience) a five minutes presentation. The students created marvelous robots in the short time that was available to them. In the end, the team from Amsterdam won with their Phobot.

The teams with their robots.

The teams and their robots.

Press coverage of the HRI Converence

Design Competition event:

The Godspeed Questionnaire Series

The web pages proposes a series of questionnaires to measure the users’ perception of robots. This series shall be called “Godspeed” because it is intended to help creators of robots on their development journey.

I collected all the available translations into this spreadsheet.

Below you find the English, Spanish, Dutch,Japanese, and Chinese version. Please email me your translations into other languages. The Spanish translation was contributed by Javier Ruiz-del-Solar. The Dutch and Chinese translation was contributed by Bram Vanderborght. The German translation was contributed by Mary Ellen Foster and Manuel Giuliani. The Arabic translation was contributed by Micheline Ziadee. Alexander Astaras translated the questionnaire to Greek. Wafa Johal provided the French translation. Carina Dantas provided the Portuguese translation. Franziska Kirstein provided the Danish translation. Elena Knox provided the Korean translation. Xose Xavier Rodriguez Rivera provided the Spanish, Catalan, Galician and Basque translations. Sofia Thunberg provided the Swedish translation.

Continue reading “The Godspeed Questionnaire Series”

Participant Database

This service has been discontinued. 

Welcome to the Participants Database at the Department of Industrial Design at the TU/e. It will help you to quickly find participants for your experiments by storing information about people that previously participated in experiments at the department. Since they are familiar with the department and the procedure they are likely to help again.

The system is based on your contribution. Whenever you conduct an experiment please add new participants you might have and update information for the existing participants. The Participant Database consists out of three sections:

The participant section stores the contact information:


The researchers section stores information about the experimenter:


The experiment section stores information about each experiment:


In all sections a variety of functions are available to you, such as searching the database or editing the information. If you have any problems then contact the Participant Database coordinator.


You can access the system through a web based interface following these steps:

  1. contact the database coordinator to obtain an account
  2. direct your browser to the Participant Database
  3. if you use the system for the first time, browse to the researacher section and add your contact information
  4. if you want to conduct a new experiment, browse to the experiment section and add the experiment information. If you completed step 3, then your name will appear in the researcher pull-down menu
  5. if you add a new participant, choose “new record” on the left and enter the information.
  6. if you use an existing participant, then add a line in the “experiments” block. Simply click at the beginning of an empty line and a pull down menu will show you all existing experiments.


  • Add new people to the database that agreed to it.
  • When inviting these people, make sure that you refer to the previous experiments, so that they know how you received their contact information.
  • Always offer the participants that you would remove them from the database if they want to. Remove them if requested.
  • Inform the participants that their data is only available to TU/e and that it will not be given to anybody else. They will only receive invitations to scientific experiments.
  • Do not give the addresses to any third party and only use it to do scientific experiments.